Strength & Weights

Build strength and tone your muscles with a strength and weights class.

Building strength and muscle increases your resting metabolic rate, meaning you burn calories during your workout. You also burn more calories at rest as you build muscle. 

Whether you are looking to improve your physique, increase your athleticism, or increase mobility and functional movement, strength and weight training can help you meet your goals. 

At the Y, you can participate in weights and strength training independently or in a group exercise setting.

Click here to find a group class or try virtual classes on YMCA360.

Find a strength & weights class

Strength & weights online

Strength 101

Creates a comfortable atmosphere for people to learn how to integrate weight training into their personal workout plan. Work with coaches and trainers while meeting potential exercise partners. Sign up here. 

Women on Weights

Join a group of women to build strength while toning muscle and losing weight. This six-week strength training program is designed specifically for women, so join the club! Sign up here.

Westridge CrossFit

Members who add CrossFit get access to the Westridge CrossFit, the most affordable and inclusive box in the area. Join our community. Learn more here.