Corporate Wellness Memberships

The Y is your partner for workplace wellness.

For a happier, healthier workforce.  

Supporting your staff supports your business. The Y’s Corporate Wellness program provides businesses with access to services that support a happy and healthy workforce. This program helps reduce stress, prevent injury and chronic disease, promote overall fitness, and reduce staff burnout. Participating businesses benefit from significant savings while providing another unique benefit to employment through their business.  

Benefits of Corporate Wellness

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Increased Productivity

Physically active staff are more focused, energized, and productive, contributing to better performance and efficiency.
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Reduced Absenteeism

Investing in health and fitness reduces the number of sick days taken by employees.
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Enhanced Job Satisfaction

Investing in your staff’s health and wellness increases buy-in by making staff feel valued.
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Stronger Team Morale

Engaging in wellness activities generates camaraderie and a positive and supportive work culture.
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Better Employee Retention

Physical activity reduces stress and burn out while increasing staff resiliency.
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Significant Cost Savings

Investing in workplace wellness saves money due to reduced healthcare cost and more productivity.

Customizable plans 

Every business's needs are unique. We’ll work with you to tailor a plan that suits your organization’s needs.While subsidizing a portion or full cost of membership for your employees, the Y will offer many benefits and rate reduction, you can subsidize part or all of their membership fees as an employee benefit. 

Some health insurance providers may also offer rebates or incentives for participating in a wellness program like the YMCA. 

Access more facilities and services 

As a corporate YMCA member, you and your employees will have access to seven local facilities and thousands of YMCAs across the country through the Nationwide Membership reciprocity program. This means you can use many YMCA facilities or services wherever you are, whether you're traveling for work or pleasure.  You’ll also have access to an on-demand library of hundreds of virtual health and fitness classes through YMCA360

Facility usage requirements apply.

Enhance your company culture 

A corporate YMCA membership can help you create a positive and supportive company culture that values health and wellness. You can encourage and support your employees to participate in fitness classes, sports leagues, personal training, nutrition counseling, and other wellness programs offered by the YMCA. 

The Y can offer your staff a discounted rate on their monthly membership dues, a waived enrollment fee with no contract when signed on as a corporate partner. You can subsidize part or all of employee membership fees as an employee benefit. 

Corporate Membership Interest Form

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