Youth Flag Football

A safe, fun game that teaches your child skills, values, and sportsmanship.

Kids have fun, stay fit, and learn new skills in flag football at the Y.

Flag football is a game that involves running, passing, and catching a ball on a field with flags. Played by two teams of five to seven players each, it’s fast, fun and easy to learn. 

Benefits of flag football 

Playing flag football will benefit your child's physical, mental, and social health. Here's how:

  • Improves cardiovascular health: Flag football is a high-intensity sport that requires constant movement, sprinting, and changing direction. It can increase your child's heart rate, blood circulation and oxygen delivery.
  • Strengthens muscles and bones: Flag football works your child's whole body, especially their arms, legs, and core. It can improve their balance, coordination and flexibility. It can also develop and maintain their muscle tone and bone density. 
  • Boosts mental health: Flag football is not only physical, it’s mental. It challenges your child to think strategically, react quickly, and focus on the game. It also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that improve their mood and reduce stress. 
  • Enhances social wellness: Flag football is a social sport that allows your child to interact with other players, make new friends, and enjoy a sense of community. It’s a friendly and inclusive sport that welcomes people of all backgrounds and skill levels. 
  • Develops skills and values: Flag football teaches your child valuable skills and values that they can use in other aspects of life. They can learn how to communicate effectively, work as a team, respect others, cope with failure, handle pressure, and be a leader. 

Flag football leagues

Participants in the YMCA’s coed flag football leagues will learn skill development and football knowledge in a fun, safe, and relaxed non-contact environment. 

Led by volunteer coaches, young football players work on basic offensive and defensive skills. Each team practices for 30 minutes before their Saturday games. Flag football leagues are for children ages 8-14.

The Flag Football season varies slightly by location and age group. In general the there is a Spring season beginning in March and Fall season in September.  The sign-up button below will direct you to a current listing of programs when available.

Sign up

Flag Football FAQ

Flag Football season varies slightly by location and age group. In general there are two seasons. Spring typically begins in March and the Fall season begins in September. 

Flag football participants are grouped in ages.

Leagues available for ages: 
8-10 and 11-14

The program director will determine whether your child can play in a different age group. Contact them directly to see if we can accommodate your request. If you don't have their contact information, email us or call the business office at 828-251-5910.

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Team assignment will determine practice day and time.

  • For ages 8-13, practice happens once a week on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Practice is 45 minutes between 5:30 and 7:30pm. Times will vary depending on your location.

Depending on the location where you registered, practices and games will take place as close as possible to a YMCA center in Buncombe, Henderson or McDowell county.

Most games are on Saturdays between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Teams will be based on age, preferred gender, playing experience, coach availability, and practice time availability. We’ll honor as many requests as we can, but requests are not guaranteed. If your request isn’t granted, we’ll work with you to try to come up with a solution that fits your needs and the fairness of the program.

Team assignments will be received by registered participants approximately a week before your start date.

If you have not received your team assignment information a week prior to the start date, please contact us to confirm registration.  Our programs operate with limited staff and volunteers, so please allow time for us to reach out.

To confirm registration, check your email for confirmation from YMCA of Western North Carolina or an email from: [email protected]

If you do not find a confirmation email, please call 828-251-5910 or email us.

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Ages 8-10 will use a pee wee-size ball 
Ages 11-14 will use a junior-size ball 

Yes, financial assistance is available to qualified households thanks to generous donors to our annual campaign. Fill out this form to apply. And remember, Y members get early registration and discounted rates for youth sports.

Financial assistance for flag football

Please click here to read our policy on program registration, credits, refunds, and closings related to inclement weather.

Program policy

For most locations, parents will be automatically enrolled in our weather alert system. You will be notified by phone and email any time a game or practice is canceled due to weather.

For Corpening Memorial YMCA sports program cancelations, call (828) 575-2915 to check for practice and game cancelations.

Lead by coaching

Coaching youth sports is a rewarding way to spend your free time while shaping the future. And coaches’ kids play for free! 

Members save big on Y programs

All YMCA membership types get discounts on programs such as group swim lessons and youth sports. Members also receive early access when program registration opens.